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 Post subject: The ways to insanity!
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:50 pm 
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These are the 148 Ways of Insanity! (there were more, really.)
(If you're like WTF with one of these, its probably because their off a Kings of Chaos forum, and the joke is about that 0_o)

1. At lunch time, sit in your parkd car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
3. Every time some one asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.
4. Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "IN"
5. Put Decaf in the coffee maker for 2 weeks straight, then after everyones over their caffiene addiction, switch to espresso
6. In the memo field of all your checks, write "For Smuggling Diamonds"
7. Finish all your sentences with, "In Accordance To The Prophecy"
8. Dont use any punctuation
9. As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
10. Order a diet water whenever you go out to eat with a straight face.
11. Specify that you want your drive-thru orders "To-Go"
12. Sing along at the opera
13. Go to a poetry recital and ask why all the poems don't rhyme.
14. Put mosquito nettin around your work area and play tropical sounds all day.
15. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party cause your not in the mood.
16. Have your co-workers address you by your wrestling name, Rock-Bottom.
17. When the money comes out of the ATM, scream "I WON, I WON!"
18. When leaving the zoo, start running to your car screaming, "Run for your lives!!! They're loose!!!"
19. Tell your children(if you have any)over dinner, "Due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go."
20.Guns....Lots of Guns.
Blast holes at the local firing range. That always helps my insanity.
21.screwing your girlfriend
22.Tell everyone that you were/are a champ in boxing if they speak to you
23.say "ur mom" to everyone that passes u
24.Say that you are the Devil
25.run in circles counter-clockwise and when some1 asks u what u r doin say "makin time go backward
26.Stare all day long at the sky, many will do teh same
27.dress up as a detective and smell everything u c...when asked say "im sniffin up clues”
28.Come dressed up as Satan to a funeral
29.go 2 church and scream "im teh spawn of satan" then run around in circles while teh preachers try 2 catch u
30.Walk into something German dressed up as Hitler
31.go 2 a ww2 veterains day parade dressed as a nazi and say "hail hitla" and stand still when they try 2 shoot u
32.Knock on peoples windows and when they open it say: "You have the window open"
33.play chicken on a high way but when a car comes dont move
34.Look left and right on a zeebra crossing and when you see a car run out
35.pm baz and ask 2 take off teh flood control
36.Try to recruit all top players from rank 60 000 in KoC
37.try 2 recruit ls and then drop him
38.Go to a doctor and ask if they can amputate your head
39.tell bazzy 2 give us more places 2 spam
40.Ask Baz if he is RF and that you want to farm him
41.run into a wall and then say "hey who hit me?"
42.Write a economic slogan on your workers paycheck. (e.g "It's dumb to may to much")
43.go 2 teh nearest teacher and say "can u fail me?"
44.In war, walk with a pirate flag against enemies
45.in war stand infront of all ur fellow soldiers and say "hail hitla!"
46.Put up a sun chair in the middle of the war and lay down on it
47.go up 2 a super model and say 'ur fat' then walk away like nothin happened
48.Go say to everyone that: "Girls are for fags"
49.serve ppl poop and say its gourmet
50.go 2 a fellow smapper and say "can i kick u 4 every post u make?"
51.hate their own race
52.If you are afraid of blood, try to become a medical student
53.take a pee in the middle of interstate 95
54.Dress yourself as a Swede in a finnish speaking area in Finland, say Go Sweden to everyone
55.go 2 new york and say go red sox or vice versa
56.Try to tell a dog all your moral values
57.go 2 snoopdog and tell him he looks like a girl
58.Steal from the poor and give to the rich
59.go 2 a chocolate fanatic and ask 4 vanilla
60.go to a flyers game in new york with a flyers lindros jersey
61.go 2 teh white house wearing a terbin and a shirt that says support sadam
62.Go through Northern Ireland in a protestantic area with a sign saying "Down with protestants"
63.go to teh ex nazi ppl house and say ur jewish
64.Go to the mafia and say they are in debt to you
65.go 2 an airport and say ur teh bomb
66.Tell everyone on a fashion show that the models clothes are out of fashion
67.go up 2 mcdonalds and tell them they made u fat
68.If you go to a psychiatrist, try to imitate him/her there
69.go to cons houseand poke the penguin
70.On a funeral, start laughing so loud that everyone hears you
71.jump in front of a car and smile
72.Offer drugs to the police officer when you get caught for speeding
73.walk up 2 a drug dealer and say "ur under arrest"
74.Tell people to come closer so you can kill them with your sword
75.tell ppl teh sword is a football and throw it at them
76.Write "Mail Bomb" on letters you send
77.email teh president of the usa and say u screwd his wife
78.Try to recruit slaves in the city centrum
79.go up 2 a black guy in america and say "on ur knees slave"
80.Say that you are Jack The Ripper
81.run around naked yelling, "I poopy my pants! I poopy my pants!"
82.join smappers and spam ur heart out
83.kill furry little creatures with toothpicks
84.copy people
85.eat bananas with zealous passion
86.shoot ur foot, proclaim it hurt, repeat
87.Cut of your balls in the name of science to see if it hurts
88.asks for lollipops from old guys
89.try to become become a bulletproof vest
90.try 2 pet a rabid dog
91.bite ur moms ear
92.Try to become a parashoot
93.stand on a nascar track and act like a piece of trash
94.punch ur mirror for it smiling at u
95.Try to prove that you live without a brain
96.eat frogs legs and say you thought they were urs
97.Use a stick instead of a gun in war
98.listen to con
99.stab yourself and ask y ur bleedin...
100.listen to ffm
101.Blackmail yourself and send pieces of your body to yourself when you can't pay
102.call your cell phone and stall 2 waste ur minutes!
103.have fun with a piece of yarn
104.hit yourself in teh head until u hear teh marbles
105.Try to kill someone with suicide
106.post 1000 times then delete all teh posts
107.Follow all theese advices
108.Duct tape 1000 woodpeckers to an enemies house
109. wear all red and stand infront of a bull.
110. Try to imitate a bird
111. expect bazzy 2 take away flood control...
112. Call 911 for help in finding you a KoC goldhit
113. call 911 when uve been robbed in koc?
114. Speak chinese without knowing what you are saying in China
115. go 2 israil (ya i know) and speak nazi! ~It's Israel~
116. Try to get hippies into the army
117. go teh teh nearest store and find somethin that says free on it and take it without payin when asked say "but its free!"
118. Vote for a tree to become a finalist in Idols
119. go up 2 a police officer and act like u have torret syndrom ~turrets~
120. Shoot someone and say you didn't mean to do it, sorry
121. yell at urself in teh mirror
122. Take a pen and draw on all the paintings in the museum
123. try talkin 2 teh guy in teh mirror and c if he stops copyin u...
124. Try to set fire on the fire station. When you get caught say: "Isn't it supposed to be on fire with that name?"
125. feed some1 beans then send them into a burin buildin!
126. Try to argue with a monkey in a cage ~don't pick on George Dubya~
127. Every time you had sex ring all your friends and neighbours to tell them all the details
128. Skate inside of an old abandoned mall and when the cops come act like you didnt know
129. Cheat on your gf and when she walks in on you say but baby i thought it was you i swear
130. listen to div give sex advice
131. Telling your mom clicking lins on koc is educational
132. eating poop from the back yard
133. Just plainly eating poop
134. go to turkey(the country) and ask for chicken
135. Have sex with a unicorn
136. sleep on a wooden slab
137. say purple(j/k sean)
138. Learn the Hail Mary and say it 2k times
139. Teach cmndr10 to use numbers when doing the 100 ways to deal with insanity
140 Skip school cause you wanne see yourself reaching the 1 mil men mark
141. yeah if you ever get that many soldiers
142. Try to train a turkey to do a 100 clicks a min so he can catch up with Lor!
143. Slap someone and say that he/she was closest
144. light someone saying you want to warm your hands
145. do nothing when someone screams help and say u didnt know wats goin on when asked about it
146. Try to go back to the stoneage living again in the centrum
147. Call 911 cause you swallowed a hamburger
148. Eat 3 lbs of potatoes in 15 minutes

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:52 pm 
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PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 11:55 am 
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lol madman,

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:10 pm 
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ive done like half of these O_o

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 8:31 pm 
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ROFL and because i read the whole thing and laughed the whole time rofl again

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PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:37 am 
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 Post subject: Can anyone help me?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:33 am 
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Can anyone tell me this shop is legit? I found there some items in good prices but not sure about their warranty.
Check this out here guraburak

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:51 am 
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No ty. Go away.

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