Username: Lewisgm
Old Usernames: Back to orginal ^
Other clans you have been in: Dw, what I created, but people went away from pop, nothing to do with me

Your best map: The purple asgard map I would say, just I've won it nearly everytime.
Your worst map: Craters tbh, i never really played it or trained with it
Rank: Warrior
Where are you from? LDN, england
Reason to join GoD: It's cool clan , like the name and seems active and pleasent.
Have you applied before? (Yes or No): No
What skills other then populous do you think you can bring to GoD? human relation skills

Skill Level:
I have games when I do really well, but i do tend to be on average around a priest, nearly firewarrior if I "trained" so to say