yesterday i was on mm waiting with phil and harri for ragn to come so we can have a game ( couse there were no other pros playing). so some wildy guy that was on mm start telling us to play with him (blabla i am good u guys know me... and so on).
since i had to ally him i asked him on pm who is he? so he said: he is snipe
(lolol) so i said k i need a prove: "go to god forums and log on there now". so he said i cant couse my school blocking it. than i asked him (since i knew snipe was on unviersty) what grade he is than he said i am in unvertsiy ( lol) so i asked speak french to proove me u are snipe. so he did speak with me a little but still i wasnt convince couse there is no resaon for snipe to join as a fake. at the end i just said k last thing ("yesterday while u were log on mm u went to watch some show what was it? ( couse i knew snipe went to watch spratcus lol). than he said "stfu man fuk it, k i am not snipe lol .. i am addiction
. that was pure ownage to him so i played with him to make sure and somehow when i hosted him he got a diffrent name on game lol, we did fo ( we won although he was good i am not sure stil he is addi so as phil said he thinks addi is better, couse basicly i helped him as been blue couse phil fucked his base.
anyhow was rell funny