Old Usernames: Memento mori, Kero, Zankel, Neoser, Master of hel
Other clans you have been in: TGW, AOC, PL.
Your best map: SP, Germany, GoD, DT, TGW
Your worst map: now i haven't worst maps
Rank: now i am Warrior
Where are you from? Poland
Reason to join GoD: I don't wanna be loney
Have you applied before? (Yes or No): of course
What skills other then populous do you think you can bring to GoD?
You are opposit on skills. i have some but i wasn't playing good as you. you have to decide
Skill Level: skill, i think Firewarrior
Tells us how well you play:
Hmm, when i was noob just points were talking to me. now i know that's a bad path to be good. I don't want be loney
. I play good game sometimes super but When They say I'm a noob ,once I feel Fall. you must rate me how i am good in game